Data migration to eBird – Part 2: How

This entry was posted Wednesday, 5 August, 2015 at 11:31 am

[Read Part I: Why]

MW plus eBirdAs part of our ongoing effort to move the entire MigrantWatch database to eBird, we will be asking you to undertake a few simple steps. Doing this will ensure that all your existing data are safely transferred to the eBird database, and are copied to your eBird account.

Here is the sequence of events:

  1. Data submission will be disabled on the MigrantWatch website from 10 August onwards.
  2. All MigrantWatch data will be uploaded to eBird by 15 August 2015. The information will be initially stored under an account with name MigrantWatch (group account).
  3. Thereafter, your migrant observations will be ‘shared‘ with you from the MigrantWatch group account. Here is the procedure:

— Please ensure that you have an eBird account. If you don’t already, it’s easy to sign up.
— You will receive emails asking you to accept your observations (called ‘lists’ in eBird) into your eBird account.
— As soon as you accept these lists, they will be copied into your eBird account.
— You may have to accept multiple lists, but once you have done so, nothing more needs to be done.
— Any photographs that you have put up on MigrantWatch will also be automatically embedded into your observations.
— Once you’ve successfully migrated to eBird, we urge you to submit all your subsequent observations and pictures through your eBird account.

We encourage you to please visit Bird Count India for more about eBird, tips for its use, and related topics.

Please also see Part 1 of this post in which we have outlined how (and why) MigrantWatch data are being moved to eBird.

Do write to us at if you have any questions or need any assistance about migrating to eBird.

2 Comments to Data migration to eBird – Part 2: How

  1. Vivek says:

    September 1st, 2015 at 5:36 am

    Hi MW Team,

    I have not received any emails asking me to accept Migrant Watch lists. I have an eBird account and MW account. How will you connect the two ?


  2. admin says:

    September 1st, 2015 at 5:57 am

    Thanks Vivek, we haven’t yet shared the lists with users, but will do so soon. Can you please email your eBird username to ?

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