Arrival pattern for the Rosy Starling

This entry was posted Saturday, 5 January, 2013 at 11:17 am

In this post we share with you the arrival patterns of Rosy Starling as it moves across the country. As is evident in the illustration below, Rosy Starlings arrive early (around mid to end July) in northwestern India, but then take three to four months to trickle down to the southernmost States!


You can look at all Rosy Starling sightings in the MigrantWatch database here. Many thanks for all who contributed their observations.

Note on how this map was made: you might wonder why, given there are many hundred Rosy Starling records in the database, there are so few points shown here. In each migration season (July to June; five migration seasons in all) we took the earliest sighting for each State; and these State-wise early sightings are depicted here. So, to reiterate, the points shown on the map are the earliest sightings for each State. Multiple  points within a State represent different migration seasons. The labels on the left describe the typical pattern for a given State or region, taking all migration seasons into consideration. You can download the State-wise first sightings in an Excel file here.

23 Comments to Arrival pattern for the Rosy Starling

  1. bhrigu says:

    April 11th, 2013 at 7:48 am

    unlike the data mentioned above, rosy starlings are seen in delhi now, which is April. this is most likely their return from south. However in the picture above it is mentioned as July when rosy starlings are seen in north. kindly clarify on this.

  2. migrantwatch says:

    April 12th, 2013 at 6:13 am

    @bhrigu – thanks for your comment. In this picture, we are examining only the first sightings of Rosy Starlings in each State, rather than looking at return migration (which is presumably what you are seeing now in Delhi). So, the map is restricted to sightings that took place up until December of each migration season.

    For example, in the migration season 2011-2012, the first sighting of the species from Delhi proper was on 31 July 2011.

    Rosy Starlings are known to aggregate in huge flocks on their return migration — and this would be an interesting thing to investigate; but the map above is only for arrivals (more strictly, first reporting sightings of a season).

    Many thanks – Suhel (for MigrantWatch)

  3. C.Sreekumar says:

    February 24th, 2014 at 4:31 am

    In Kancheepuram near Chennai, I couldn’t see them in our campus (Postgraduate Research Institute In Animal Sciences) till February. Right now, there is a flock sitting on tree outside my window.

  4. Faisal Afzal says:

    April 18th, 2014 at 8:19 am

    Can some body tell when does rosy starling breed? and in which areas? what are breeding months? thanks

  5. irshad zehri says:

    July 24th, 2016 at 4:16 pm

    22 april rosy starlings come in balochistan in our valley people are found off to hunt them they come for 10 days

  6. irshad zehri says:

    July 24th, 2016 at 4:21 pm

    We love rosy stating


    September 9th, 2016 at 6:40 am

    rosy starling has been noted in july at surat outskirts with younger ones.does it mean that breeding has occured here or ad rosy starling has migrated with younger ones?

  8. Dr. Vidhin Kamble says:

    January 12th, 2017 at 3:30 am

    R. starling was noticed in drought prone region Sangola of Solapur district Maharashtra state of India. The interesting thing is that Rosy starling in group of hundreds visited to my home for feeding grains regularly even though till today 12th January 2017. for video visit youtube @ vidhin kamble

  9. Prof. Bonny Pilo says:

    January 21st, 2017 at 6:50 pm

    Rosy Pastors arrive in India by July Aug. Their landings are Gujarat and Near by areas of Gujarat. On their return again they aggregate in Gujarat in millions and take off around full moon day by the end of April. They breed in Europe and Asia Minor not in India. But the first to arrive are flocks with young ones lead by few veterans obviously for route selection and direction. India is their feeding ground.

  10. admin says:

    January 22nd, 2017 at 9:05 am

    Thank you Sir, for these insights. Some very interesting patterns are emerging with the much larger set of observations now being uploaded on eBird. One can play around with the Rosy Starling range map, as well as with the seasonality charts for India.

  11. Dr. Vidhin Kamble says:

    October 27th, 2017 at 4:39 am

    Hi, l am Dr. Vidhin Kamble from Maharashtra state of India. Since last 4 years I am engaged in birds conservation by providing artificial nest and feeding them into domestic feeding ground. Last year I noticed Rosy starling arrived at my home on 26th October and this year on 14th October 2017 for feeding in my home premises. My home is at drought prone region Sangola of Maharashtra state of India.

  12. Dr. Vidhin Kamble says:

    October 27th, 2017 at 4:52 am

    Please click following link towatch videos of Rosy starling at my home

  13. Dr. Vidhin Kamble says:

    October 27th, 2017 at 4:55 am

    Click following link to watch Sparrow videos

  14. Dr. Vidhin Kamble says:

    October 27th, 2017 at 4:58 am

    Link for Rosy starling in India

  15. Jacob John says:

    March 15th, 2019 at 7:42 am

    I saw a flock of Rosy Pasters in Indore , India last few days 11th to 15 March 2019. They vist Indore every years But I missed them last year.They feed on the Red Silk cotton tree flowers which flowers at this time. JJ

  16. Vidhin Kamble says:

    May 1st, 2019 at 6:33 pm

    Hello Friends,
    Since last four years, I able to record ‘Arrival Time’ of Starling bird, which was submitted during particular year. This year I recorded ‘Departure Time’ of this lovely bird.
    this bird Re-leaved Sangola (Drought prone region) Dist. Soalpur Maharashtra (India)on 23rd March 2019.
    Thanking you,

    Dr. Vidhin Kamble (India)

  17. MIgrantWatch Admin says:

    May 2nd, 2019 at 8:33 am

    Thank you for this Sir. Very interesting information. You may have seen that MigrantWatch has now shifted to the larger eBird platform ( Please do consider recording your observations on eBird so that they join observations from thousands of birders like you across the country. Here is a quick-start guide to eBird

    To give you an idea of the power of eBird, here is the map for Rosy Starling:

    And here is the seasonal chart for Maharashtra:

  18. Mohd Abas says:

    May 12th, 2019 at 9:06 am

    Don’t forget starting comes to Ladakh too from May and stay up to Sept.

  19. Mohd Abas says:

    May 12th, 2019 at 9:07 am

    Kindly read Sterlings instead of starting please

  20. Dr S V Kotwal says:

    April 10th, 2022 at 4:10 am

    As per the website they are due in June/July but they arrive in and around Delhi mid April every year. Right now one can see flocks wheeling around.

  21. MIgrantWatch Admin says:

    April 12th, 2022 at 11:11 am

    Thank you Sir. The article refers to arrival time from their breeding grounds in Central Asia. This happens in June/July. Then there is a return migration, as birds gather on their journey back to their breeding grounds. From this eBird link, you will see that, for Delhi and Haryana, the peak of return migration is in April, as you have described.,IN-HR&bmo=1&emo=12&byr=1900&eyr=2022&spp=rossta2

  22. Dr. Vidhin Kamble says:

    April 4th, 2023 at 3:11 pm

    Now it is April and R. Starling still murmuring in Solapur (Sangola. Maharashtra. Why they are here? Because during the Month of March, they go back.

  23. MIgrantWatch Admin says:

    April 5th, 2023 at 5:45 am

    Dr Kamble, it seems like Rosy Starlings are still around in Maharashtra in April, and their numbers go to near zero in May? Please see this weekly graph of reporting frequencies from eBird:

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